Home is where the heart is - Reisverslag uit Ấp Bia, Vietnam van tirzaopreis - WaarBenJij.nu Home is where the heart is - Reisverslag uit Ấp Bia, Vietnam van tirzaopreis - WaarBenJij.nu

Home is where the heart is

Blijf op de hoogte en volg

27 Januari 2016 | Vietnam, Ấp Bia

The moment of writing this I'm sitting in a bus from Mui Ne to Saigon, traveling with a bus company of which my neighbor has just informed me is the worst one in whole of Vietnam.. Only 5 more hours to go!

Some of you probably might have already noticed, but for the past two and a half weeks or so I've been traveling through Vietnam. The last months in Shanghai have been spend well and saying goodbye was sad. Right now, it already seems like ages ago that we've been there, and I already miss it.

It's a strange thing though, feeling at home somewhere. Moving out two and a half years ago and going to Utrecht was the first step to living somewhere completely new. It didn't take too long to make it my new home. Going abroad to live in Sydney was the next. I went there with little expectations or even a place to live, but things couldn't have turned out any better. Next and last, for now, was moving to Shanghai. I guess actions really do repeat themselves, having no expectations and again, no place to live. And yet again, living in Shanghai has just been amazing. I guess, thinking about it, the one thing these three so so different countries and places have in common is the kind of people I got to spend my time there with. All of them have helped making a random place to feel like home to me. Even when you spend a relatively short time with someone, it can be so intense that it feels like knowing them for years. Living together, working together, traveling together, or a combination of these three. How I experienced my time, I would recommend going abroad, or even just live somewhere new, to everyone, even though shitty things have definitely happen too. But I also realize that I was exceptionally lucky with the people who supported me to begin with and the people I met along the way.

Traveling through Vietnam has been the perfect ending to my time abroad. Such a beautiful country with its culture and people, that I sure will come back to.
Knowing this is not goodbye, but a see you soon again, I can't feel anything else than excitement to go back to The Netherlands, seeing the ones I've missed for so long again, and start planning new adventures. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

That's enough sappy talk for now.

Lots of love from somewhere on the road in Vietnam x

  • 28 Januari 2016 - 00:12

    De Nederlanders:

    We zijn heel blij dat het je zo goed bevallen is hoor, ook al waren we eerst wat ongerust over deze grote stap om op reis te gaan. Je weet nooit wat er gebeurd en een ongeluk zit in een klein hoekje. We zijn ook blij dat de locals je zo snel geaccepteerd hebben en dat je je draai hebt kunnen vinden waar je ook heen ging. Een pak van ons hart dat alles goed is gegaan en we zijn blij dat je weer naar huis komt. We hebben je erg gemist!

    Nou tot snel he. Dan drinken we een bakkie thee.

  • 28 Januari 2016 - 00:12

    De Nederlanders:

    We zijn heel blij dat het je zo goed bevallen is hoor, ook al waren we eerst wat ongerust over deze grote stap om op reis te gaan. Je weet nooit wat er gebeurd en een ongeluk zit in een klein hoekje. We zijn ook blij dat de locals je zo snel geaccepteerd hebben en dat je je draai hebt kunnen vinden waar je ook heen ging. Een pak van ons hart dat alles goed is gegaan en we zijn blij dat je weer naar huis komt. We hebben je erg gemist!

    Nou tot snel he. Dan drinken we een bakkie thee.

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